It's official. Liam has milk dependency issues. He gets fussy when he's in withdrawel, plus he cries and gets gassy. We'd take him to a treatment center but he won't stop drinking milk long enough for us to get him there. He loves dancing with his mom and is starting to laugh at me every time I change his diaper. Yea, very funny!
We're having a great summer so far, we've had lots of fog and rain with a few hot sunny days in between. We go for lots of walks with Liam and the dogs, Theo goes swimming every day. Bear just follows along and pees on every 11th tree. Hope everyone is doing right good...

Liam the Frog
June 24, 2006
Its hard to believe that Liam is two months old today, where did the time go? Liam was born on April 24th at the IWK in Halifax. At the time of his birth he weighed 9 pounds 10.7 ounces and was 52.5 cm long. Now, two months later Liam is smiling and cooing (when he is not busy feeding). Liam also enjoys dancing to Great Big Sea and other songs that we have collected for him.

Liam on April 24th
June 25,2006
Dave and I took Liam downtown Halifax today. The afternoon started with breakfast at Cora's, where poor Liam spent his time sitting in his car seat at the table waiting patiently for his parents to finish their breakfast.
June 31, 2006
Dave and I took Liam shopping today to buy him a crib. We decided to get him a 4-in-1 crib so that he would get a lot of use out of it. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Hagens and Wilson for Liam's new crib. He can't wait until someone puts it together for him.

Bear Hat

With Mom