Thursday, February 01, 2007

February 2007

It's that time of year again, we started February off with Birthdays for Dave, Grandma Hagens, and Anut Tara. Liam loved the sparklers on his dad's chocolate birthday cake! The cake won't last long and will probably be used for dad's breakfast tomorrow. Liam is getting bigger and bigger, his favourite foods are beans, tofu, haddock and baby food. He also likes bananas, avocados, blueberries, apple sauce and blueberry bagels. He gets right silly when we feed him (he likes to finger paint with his food and leans so far forward to take bites that he almost falls out of his chair).

Happy Birthday Grandma Hagens!

Purcell's Pond

Dinner Zone

Liam is almost ten months old and has been keeping his mom and dad busy because he's into everything, from the dog's water and food dishes to the human pots and pans. During the day mom is forever moving her research pile because Liam likes to eat papers and books. Mom has even had to move the stereo twice because Liam likes to play his favorite music so loud the neighbours across the way can hear it. He's made good friends with Bear (although he has received the occassional nip) and Theo is still having some difficulties adjusting to the whole situation.

Liam has recently learned how to crawl and is busy learning how to pull himself to a stand. The other day while he was trying to pull himself up, he ended up climbing into the laundry basket!



1. Cribtalk