Its hard to believe that the summer is almost over and the count down begins for another Atlantic winter, and Liam's first winter experience. Before that happens we still hope to show Liam some of Nova Scotia's beauty. At the beginning of this month we took Liam to the beach (Crystal Crescent Beach) for the first time, while he was there he put his feet in the Atlantic ocean, played in the sand, and watched Theo swim in the water (check out the video at the bottom).

Dad and Mom (with Liam in his new sling)
Also this month I took Liam for a few swims in the outdoor pool at Dave's work. Liam seemed to enjoy this swimming experience more than the indoor pool that he visited last month.
Auntie Tara, Liam and I made plans to go downtown to the Keith's Brewery Farmers Market and a few other places on August 12th. Our morning started off at the farmers market, the place was extremely busy as it is every Saturday morning and it was difficult pushing Liam around in his stroller but we made it through the crowd and went to a few of our favorite stands. The woman with the pet treats booth, however, was not at the market this week so we had to find the pet store that sells homemade dog and cat treats before heading home.

After a morning with the girrls
The following day Dave and I took Liam to Peggy's Cove for the day. While we were we went to The Sou'Wester restaurant for a bowl of chowder and a Keiths (a tradition for Dave and I), and Liam had a bottle of breastmilk.

Carseat - after a day at Peggy's Cove

Peggy's Cove
On August 18th Dave and I took Liam and the dogs camping at Blomidon Provincial Park over looking the Minas Basin (near the Bay of Fundy). It was a last minute decision so we forgot a few things like a flashlight but other than that we all had a good time. Liam was a little bit fussy because we took him out of his usual routine but he adjusted to his surroundings quite well and managed to get a few hours sleep under the stars.

Fundy Lookoff

Fundy Sunrise
Month Four - Update
Liam turned four months today and is wearing clothes that are intended for 6, 9, and 12 month olds as well as size 3 diapers. He still has a milk dependency issue as I seem to be feeding him all day long and he never seems satisfied. During his feedings he likes to hold onto the bottle or a finger and if he is breastfeeding he usually grabs onto my hair, clothes, glasses, or my finger. Liam also has a fascination with crawling across the floor on his back, he can not be left alone for a minute or he will end up on the hard wood floor. I spend a lot of time with Liam reading him stories. He also enjoys playing the rolling game, going for nightly strolls through the neighbourhood, and giggling at the funny things his parents do to entertain him.
Before the month was out Dave and I took Liam to the Spryfield Public Library to get his first library card and sign out some books. Also this month we took Liam to the Busker Festival, but he did not see much because it was really busy.