We're all doing good. Dave is working long hours and Liam and I spend a lot of time inside partly because the weather hasn't been good plus Liam wants to nurse all day long. Before the summer is out we hope to be able to take Laim camping and to a beach where he can sit in the sand for the first time.
July 2nd
Today I put together Liam's crib. The instructions were not that great but I managed to work the puzzle out. We're trying to get Liam used to the crib by placing him in it for naps during the afternoon or after a diaper change. Liam appears to like the crib, he typically looks out the window or stares at his butterfly lights hanging over the window.

Asleep in his new crib (July 2006)
July 12th
Dave and I took Liam to see the doctor today for his vaccinations and a check-up. The doctor said Laim's height and weight are a little outside the normal growth curve for his age, however it is not a concern at this point as it may level off at some point. Liam was good at the doctor until the nurse came in and gave him his vaccinations, it took a cuddle from his mom and dad to calm him down.
July 16th
Tara came over to visit Liam today and we made plans to take him downtown to the Keith's Brewery market, Venus Envy, Little Mysteries, and possibly the Freaky Lunchbox (depending on how the day goes). While Autie Tara was here we all went to a neighborhood party that was happening at the end of our street, this was Liam's first neighborhood party and he really enjoyed it because he was the center of atttention and he got to meet the neighbors.

Auntie Tara, July 16

Easy Chair